Thursday, February 18, 2010


"A story. A man fires a rifle for many years. And he goes to war. And afterwards he comes home, and he sees that whatever else he may do with his life - build a house, love a woman, change his son's diaper - he will always remain a jarhead. And all the jarheads killing and dying, they will always be me. We are still in the desert."

JARHEAD. Dir.Sam Mendes. 2005. Universal.


  1. Essa foi profunda... batteu com a força de 1000 BB´s bem no alto da pinha ...

  2. Bateu com dois "tês" é quase tão chique como Rosallis com dois "éles"

  3. Deve ser o estigma do típico soldado que combateu no Vietname... volta a casa e ... John Rambo!
